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Hommage à
EMMA Affibah Yapobi-attie

Date de décès : 13 janvier 2017

Lieu de décès : à Washington DC, USA

Cahier de condoléances

Ci-dessous le dernier message posté sur le cahier de condoléances ouvert pour la famille.

J'apprends bien trop tard cette terrible nouvelle ...

J ai connu et tant apprécie Emma...
Publié le: 18 août 2019 - 11:37:49
Matthew GORDON
friend | Collegeville
I am so sorry to just learn of the loss of Ema last year. We were friends who used to work together many years ago in Washington, DC from 1985 to 1989. She was a very bright, intelligent, beautiful, interesting, and fun person and I remember her very fondly. I lost touch with her after I moved from DC but I have often thought of her over the years. I am very sad to hear of her passing so young and I offer my sincere condolences to all her family and friends.
Publié le: 8 février 2018 - 15:42:08